I AM XTRATUF: AK Shellfish Farms

"If this place doesn't bring you to your knees crying...you're not working hard enough."  

Location: Halibut Cove Alaska. Winter Population: 15.  
Meet Weatherly and Greg Bates of Alaska Shellfish Farms. These two Rhode Island natives found their way to Alaska where they chose to plant their family’s roots to harvest oysters, mussels, and kelp in one of the most remote mariculture farms in the world. Because of the cold water in Halibut Cove, it takes a longer to grow the oysters, but it’s well worth the work- and the wait.  

Mariculture farming is hard work anywhere, but especially gruelling in Alaska’s unforgiveable cold waters, extreme tides, rough weather, and isolation from the rest of the world. For the Bates family, they wouldn’t trade this environment for anything and are confident in this life they have built.  

With the wilderness of Alaska as their classroom, Greg and Weatherly teach their children life lessons both at sea and on land that builds both perseverance and consideration for our environment.

“We’re so lucky to be able to experience what we do.” – Weatherly Bates  

To Learn More about Alaska Shellfish Farms, visit: www.alaskashellfish.net  

IG: @Alaska_shellfish_farms 

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